Get started with Airbnb

Get started with Airbnb Do you have an apartment in Copenhagen and do you travel often? Did you know that you can rent out your apartment in Copenhagen and earn between DKK 700-3,000 per month? night on average? The first DKK 29,900 is tax-free in 2021. is a Copenhagen-based management company that helps you […]
The story of ManageMyAir

The story of ManageMyAir ManageMyAir is an Airbnb property rental service company that has been helping Copenhagen Airbnb hosts since December 2015 with all aspects of hosting Airbnb guests. Services include key exchange, cleaning, bed linen rental, full administration etc. We have welcomed 3,000 guests into Copenhageners’ homes, ensuring that they have received the perfect […]
New Airbnb legislation – what does it mean for you?

New Airbnb legislation – what does it mean for you? In agreement with the Ministry of Taxation, Airbnb is a platform that will report your rental income to SKAT. You can then rent out your apartment for 70 days a year (up to 100 – this is up to your municipality). *After this, however, you […]
Go the extra mile

Go the extra mile ManageMyAir helps owners find time to get five-star reviews. At ManageMyAir, we take care of your guests. Entrepreneur and CEO Cheryl Barnes shares her insights on how ManageMyAir helps owners achieve five-star reviews time and time again. Being a “tour guide” – Guests through Airbnb really appreciate insider tips that they […]
Earn money while you’re away

Earn money while you’re away Managemyair offers professional help for renting out your home through Airbnb. Here are examples of who we have helped. Where: ØsterbroNumber of days away: 2-3 days a weekNumber of booked days: all available days have been bookedMonth: March and until nowTotal earned: DKK 32,000+ John works in Copenhagen Monday-Thursday and […]
Do you want help with renting?

Do you want help with renting? Do you spend weekends, weeks or even longer in your holiday home or on trips? Managemyair specializes in offering a complete management service to rent out your home through Airbnb during periods when you are not at home. We help with all aspects of the rental process and screen […]
Key handover while you are on holiday

Key handover while you are on holiday Have you planned your summer vacation and are you considering renting out your home in Copenhagen on Airbnb while you are away? Maybe you haven’t got any bookings yet, but you hope to. What is your solution if you get bookings after you have left? Handling the keys […]
Get rid of the hassle when renting

Get rid of the hassle when renting Have you heard that you can rent out your home via Airbnb while you are traveling yourself? Millions of people do this and earn extra money while on vacation. ManageMyAir offers landlords in Copenhagen and Greater Copenhagen to take care of all aspects in connection with renting and […]
Summer house in Hornbæk?

Summer house in Hornbæk? Do you have a summer house in the Hornbæk area that you only use a few times a year? Have you thought about renting it but have no one to manage the turnarounds and meet guests? ManageMyAir are now operating in Hornbæk and can help you rent your home when you […]
Tips for first time Airbnb hosts

Tips for first time Airbnb hosts Here are some quick top tips for first time hosts and hosts who wish to improve their bookings; Take beautiful photos! Potential guests scroll through many listings, ensure they take notice of yours by taking bright photos showcasing the major areas.De-clutter!When taking photos for your listing and when you […]